Linux Game Jam 2018

06 April 2018

So I’ve decided to sign up for this years Linux Game Jam. This is my first game jam, so I figured teaming up would be a good idea. I’ve found a team willing to take me so I’ll be working with five complete strangers.
Three more coders, one of which will also do some art, one main artist and one tester.

We’re aiming to build a retro-platformer. I don’t want to tell too much for now. Further updates will probably be split between here and the ongoing project page.
Since there is a bonus point to be had for using FOSS tools only, that’s what we’re doing. We will be using Godot, a multi-platform game engine that recently was released in version 3.0 and supports easy export for most common platforms.
I’ve toyed with Godot before, but this will be the biggest project, yet.


We’ve got basic player controls, a simple demo level with awful textures by me and actual textures are nearly done.